Starting off with their general specs, the Huawei P60 has a 6.67-inch OLED display, with an adaptive refresh rate of up to 120Hz and a 300Hz touch sampling rate. The resolution is rated at 2700 x 1220, but is still oddly labelled as Full HD+. Over the top of the screen is KunLun glass. The chipset is also only noted as a Snapdragon 8 Plus, which presumably means the 8 Plus Gen1. No RAM figures were shared on the phones’ pages on the company website, both had 256GB and 512GB storage options, with the base model getting an additional 128GB storage options. As for batteries, both are rated at 4815mAh, and support 50W wireless charging. If you prefer good old cables, the Huawei P60 supports charge speeds of up to 66W, while the Pro model goes up to 88W. As an added bonus, both models also feature satellite communication via BeiDou. And the entire package comes in an IP68-rated body. For cameras, both the Huawei P60 and P60 Pro sport a 48MP main shooter and a 13MP wide-ange camera. The third one is the differenciator between the two, with the base model having a 12MP periscope telephoto shooter, while the Pro variant instead getting a 48MP “night vision” telephoto camera. Front cameras are rated at 13MP for both. For now, neither of the two phones have priced, at least at the time of writing. But Huawei Malaysia tells us that both the P60 and P60 Pro “may be launching” on our shores “soon”. For whatever reason, the company is being extra vague on this, but this is probably to get anticipating customers to bookmark the brand’s official site, as well as Facebook and Instagram pages, which you can find linked below. (Source: Huawei [1], [2], [3], [4], [5])