As you may recall, MCMC previously threatened legal action against Meta for its lack of cooperation in handling the aforementioned matters. It’s also worth noting that the regulatory body had also mulled similar actions towards Telegram last month, which also resulted in the private messaging service to finally hold a discussion with it not long after. “Losses suffered by Malaysians from January to May 2023 via Meta platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp) have almost exceeded RM330 million,” Fahmi revealed via a Facebook post. “This is a 25 percent increase compared to the whole year in 2022.” According to MCMC, Meta expressed their commitment and willingness to work closely with the regulatory body and PDRM to tackle all of the online crimes mentioned above, as well as those related to impersonation and fraudulent advertisements. Fahmi says he believes that this collaboration will help reduce these issues on all of Meta’s platforms. MCMC also added that Meta’s direct involvement will also ensure the security and protection aspects of its users can be addressed more effectively and comprehensively. (Source: MCMC [Facebook], Fahmi Fadzil [Facebook])