With both assistants offering similar features and functionalities, the question arises – can one replace the other? Therefore, in this editorial and my quest to conclude whether one has the edge over the other, I will compare Siri with ChatGPT and explore each assistant’s purposes, advantages, and disadvantages.

Objectives of Siri and ChatGPT

Though Siri and ChatGPT are both an outcome of AI, it’s critical to remember that they are two different models. While you can converse with your iPhone using both tools, they don’t operate similarly.

Siri – The friend on Apple devices

Siri is a voice-controlled virtual assistant developed by Apple Inc. for devices like iPhone, iPad, Mac, and HomePod. It uses natural language processing and speech recognition technology to understand and respond to user requests. So you can interact with your devices hands-free without typing or navigating through menus. The purpose of Siri is to act as a personalized virtual assistant for Apple device users. It can perform to-dos, such as setting reminders, sending texts or emails, making phone calls, setting alarms, providing directions, etc. Additionally, Siri can integrate with other apps and services to perform more complex tasks, such as booking a ride or ordering food delivery. Therefore, users can access information or perform tasks quickly and efficiently. Overall, Siri simplifies the user experience and makes life more convenient.

ChatGPT – All problems, one solution

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to be a conversational AI that can understand and generate human-like responses to natural language inputs. ChatGPT aims to provide a more advanced and flexible chatbot experience compared to traditional rule-based chatbots. For example, rule-based chatbots can only respond to specific keywords or phrases. But ChatGPT can generate responses based on the context and content of the entire conversation for a more natural and engaging user experience. Besides, ChatGPT can be used and integrated into various applications. You can ask it to answer frequently asked questions, provide personalized recommendations, or generate creative writing prompts. Additionally, you can effortlessly integrate ChatGPT into your iPhone, Apple Watch, and Mac. Therefore, ChatGPT has more use cases.

Siri vs. ChatGPT – Key differences

While both Siri and ChatGPT are designed to be conversational AI tools, significant differences are essential to consider. In some areas, Siri excels, whereas ChatGPT proves to be best in other aspects. Let’s understand the pros and cons of each tool!

1. Technology 

Siri and ChatGPT follow different paths regarding the processing and responding to user inputs.  Siri is designed to respond to specific voice commands or queries. It uses a combination of natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and voice recognition technology to analyze the request and determine the most appropriate response. The answers are based on the user’s past behavior, contextual information, and web search results.  On the other hand, ChatGPT is a neural network-based language model designed to generate human-like responses to free-form text inputs. Moreover, it is trained on a large corpus of text data, which enables it to develop more conversational answers to a broad spectrum of questions. So, ChatGPT is more focused on facilitating more engaging and natural conversations rather than executing tasks.

2. Privacy

Siri stores user data locally on your device and encrypts it during transmission to Apple servers. Apple has also implemented privacy features, such as the ability to opt out of sharing Siri voice recordings for research and development purposes.  Besides, ChatGPT is trained on large datasets of text data, which may include sensitive information. As a result, there are concerns about potential privacy violations when using ChatGPT. But you get the flexibility to clear ChatGPT chats. So, your data is only used for as long as you want since there is no conversation history. 

3. Factual accuracy

We depend on AI assistants trusting their accuracy. It becomes much more crucial when we’re using them for professional work. Siri is designed to provide accurate information based on specific queries and can rely on various sources, such as Apple’s database and third-party providers. However, it may not always be able to answer complex or nuanced questions accurately.  ChatGPT provides human-like replies. It can also adapt to your inquiries to give you more contextual answers than Siri. Additionally, you can retrieve more information on a topic by continuing the chat. But as it relies on its training data to generate responses, you may get inaccurate or biased answers.

Answering current affairs: ChatGPT was trained on a more extensive database for accuracy and fluency, but its current free version only has information until September 2021. So asking queries regarding current events or things occurring now, like weather updates or in the future, makes Siri the winner.  Historical data: Both Siri and ChatGPT were effective in answering questions about historical events, albeit they did so in different ways. Siri will give a quick one-word answer to your query, whereas ChatGPT will provide a wholesome response with more context.  Creative inquiries: If you ask open-ended questions to Siri, it will surrender and provide a list of relatable websites that would be useful. In contrast, ChatGPT will explain possible outcomes of the hypothetical scenarios creatively. The information may be incorrect, but it shows the context perfectly. 

So, it’s clear that Siri is nothing more than software for specialized question-answering and performing tasks while passing all other queries to a Google search. The user is then responsible for getting the right solutions. Besides, ChatGPT gives the impression that it could answer anything like an expert. 

4. Conversation fluency

Siri is primarily designed to complete specific tasks, such as making a phone call or sending a text message. So, while it may generate conversational responses, it focuses on completing tasks efficiently. So, you will only get straightforward short answers. On the other hand, ChatGPT focuses on creating more natural and engaging responses in a conversational setting. It can adapt to the context of the conversation and provide more personalized answers. The replies are well-written and error-free, with a fair amount of fluency. So, interaction with ChatGPT seems like chats with people.

5. Use cases

Siri is a personal assistant on Apple devices like the iPhone and iPad. However, it can also be integrated into third-party apps like messaging or music apps.  As I explained, ChatGPT is designed for entirely different use cases than Siri. It is more versatile and excels in a wide range of use cases. You can get code snippets, content creation, business recommendation systems, etc. Compared to ChatGPT, Siri would perform horribly if you ask these questions. So, ChatGPT can become a unique personal assistant to clarify your queries across different platforms.

What sets ChatGPT apart from other AI assistants?

As we went through the Siri vs. ChatGPT comparison and saw how both tools work differently, let’s check out the unique features of ChatGPT.

Human-like chat: The emphasis on communication that ChatGPT focuses on while answering questions sets it apart from conventional voice assistants. It’s designed to chat with people, unlike Siri.  Save previous chats: ChatGPT can recall prior chats and use that knowledge to customize its replies in subsequent encounters. But Siri is responsible for carrying out specific duties when asked; it does not keep track of earlier encounters.  Personal assistance: ChatGPT is a helpful tool to assist and advise personal and professional works, thanks to an extensive knowledge database. Also, the latest features of ChatGPT include fetching search engine results to provide more accurate answers.

Considering this uniqueness, Microsoft has included the GPT-4 LLM capabilities in its search engine Bing. To grab an edge over Bing, Google has also launched Bard AI, built on the LaMBDA language model. So, seeing the war between AI-enabled search engines will be exciting!

Final verdict: Can ChatGPT outperform Siri?

Siri and ChatGPT are both pretty excellent at what they do and have different strengths and weaknesses. The problem is that Siri wasn’t designed to answer questions as efficiently as ChatGPT and lacked the required information. Also, Siri seems to work on a script on your Apple device. If the solution isn’t in that script, it gives up. Additionally, Siri is only available on Apple devices, limiting its availability to users worldwide. Also, it’s unable to understand accents or speech impairments. Besides, Siri’s voice recognition can be affected by ambient noise or background chatter, leading to incorrect responses. Yet, in the future, things could be better. According to reports, Apple is experimenting with incorporating with NLP model in Siri.   In contrast, ChatGPT’s dependence on a text-based user interface is a disadvantage. Whereas Siri accepts voice commands, ChatGPT users must enter their inquiries and requests. So, it makes ChatGPT less convenient for specific users who prefer voice instructions or have trouble typing. So, that’s all my take on Siri vs. ChatGPT analysis. Who is the ultimate Al winner, according to you, and why? Let’s discuss this in the comments below! Explore more…

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