With Power Saving Mode, Telegram will disable certain resource-intensive processes to limit the app’s power draw on your device. This includes background syncing, autoplay for GIFs and videos, animations for stickers and emojis, interface effects, and media pre-loading. Moreover, users can choose to disable or enable these processes individually when the mode is turned on. The new feature can be set to toggle on automatically when the phone battery reaches a certain percentage, or it can just be set to always on if the user prefers it. Those on iOS can go a step further to save energy by limiting background updates, although Telegram doesn’t recommend this. For Android, the company says that it tested over 200 device types to create optimised default settings.

Other features released with the new update include granular playback speed, where users can now play videos at any speed between 0.2x to 2.5x. For groups with under 100 members, read receipts will now show you the time each person read the message. There are also ten new packs of custom emojis for premium users. While the new update is already available for Android users, the company says that iOS users will have to wait as Apple has yet to finish reviewing it. Last month, Telegram added a new yearly plan that costs RM128 for its premium subscription. On top of that, it increased the monthly subscription price by RM2 per month to make the annual offer more enticing. The subscription provides an ad-free experience, profile badges, real-time translation, and more. (Source: Telegram)

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